White Papers and Research in Logistics and Supply Chain

Logward present their domain knowledge in logistics and supply chain. Read the latest researches and market insights. We constantly strive to deliver you the best overview of the market.

Navigation durch die sich verändernden Strömungen des Supply Chain Managements in der europäischen Chemieindustrie im Jahr 2024

In der sich ständig wandelnden Landschaft der europäischen Chemieindustrie bietet das Jahr 2024 eine einzigartige Mischung aus Herausforderungen und Chancen.

Navigating the Shifting Currents of Supply Chain Management in the European Chemical Industry in 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of the European chemical industry, 2024 presents a unique amalgamation of challenges and opportunities.

Allocation Management: Navigieren zwischen Operativer Exzellenz und Logistischen Beschaffungsentscheidungen

In der globalen Logistik ist ein effektives Allocation Management entscheidend für einen reibungslosen Ablauf und die Optimierung der Ressourcen.

Allocation Management: Navigating between Operational Excellence and Logisticla Procurement Decisions

In the realm of global logistics, effective allocation management is crucial for ensuring smooth operations and optimizing resources.

Logward 2020 Supply Chain Data Survey

Do supply chain professionals have low expectations when it comes to data? Or are they simply realists? Either way, our 2020 Supply Chain Data Survey resulted in some puzzling contrasts between clear pain points and a general acceptance of the status quo.

The Economics of Ocean Freight in 2021 and Beyond

The current freight market turbulence is a strange tale of inventory shortages for companies shipping inventory. That is to say that shippers have more cargo to move around the world than there are spaces or containers for that cargo to be transported.